Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Warlock Specs

It seems like there is no consensus on the optimum lock spec for raiding 25s right now, as long as its not a sac spec. (Thank goodness. My 2 key gets a break.)

I'm currently running a 41/30 FG/Emberstorm spec that has proven to be pretty competitive with all of the other specs so far that I've tried, and I've been respeccing and testing specs nonstop lately. It seems that mainly locks are going with either a Haunt spec or demonology variant. Until I get better gear, I don't think I can support a 20/51 Chaosbolt spec, but as gear improves and locks become less reliant on the crit/spell damage buffs from demo, I think that will be a popular spec.

As to whether affliction or demo specs are better, I'd say that it's pretty close. The extra mobility and slight healing makes an affliction spec nice, but when things get hectic it can be easy to screw up your dotting priorities. I've seen really good affliction locks and really horrible ones.

FG/Emberstorm is slightly less chaotic, but slightly more crit reliant. It's gonna shine with full caster raid buffs, and full melee buffs on the pet.

From what I've seen from the EJ forums, in a strict numbers/spreadsheet sense affliction should come out on top, albeit slightly. The added simplicity of the demo rotation, however, may yield better results, especially if you have trouble monitoring your dottimer, your pet, and the raid.

I'm still working out how to fully maximize my dps. Especially when learning new bosses, and wiping or hitting enrages at 1%, a lot of times its the little extra damage you can squeeze that will mean the difference between looting your badges, not to mention all of those purple shinies.

Anyone that wants to discuss specs/playstyle/optimizing dps more, you know what to do! Leave me a comment or something.

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